Well, this isn’t quite the Christmas I’m sure a lot of us were imagining. 17.7 million people found out on Saturday that any Christmas plans they may have had, have been cancelled because of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic.
It is slightly depressing. But on the plus side, if you are on your own over Christmas, it’s the perfect time to indulge in your own private passions.
Why not cook your dinner while wearing those frilly little knickers you hide at the back of the wardrobe?
Or instead of watching the Queen’s Speech, you can find some kinky content to watch.
And instead of having a pointless argument with family over who keeps putting the empty wrappers back into the box, you can have a horny chat with one of our sexy goddesses!
That’s right! We are still open all through Christmas. As always, you can book via a safe and secure phone payment by filling out the contact form on our website and getting a call back from our reception team, by calling directly on 08008044321 or even by a direct bank transfer!
And don’t forget, you can give any of our girls (including yours truly) cash gifts using those same methods! It is after all, the season of giving!
So keeps those peckers up, and enjoy some quality you time this Christmas.
Much love,
Scarlett xx

Hopefully chat to you soon